

Gallery Hours in Videolounges on Saturdays 11AM – 4PM Pacific Time and by appointment anytime, or stop by the TRANSFER discord.

Email us: [email protected]

Curated by Wade Wallerstein for TRANSFER, ERC-721 thoughtfully deployed by left.gallery

TRANSFER (founded in 2013) supports artists working with simulation and computational processes.
left.gallery (founded in 2015) produces and sells downloadable objects & file-based art works.

Kristin Lucas

Wing Leg Stretch (2021)

3D Model
Edition 1 + 1 AP

Wing Leg Stretch is an animated 3D model of a human-flamingo striking flamingo courtship displays. The 3D model was originally designed for Kristin Lucas’s augmented reality work FLARMINGOS, a mobile application that allows the user to populate their surroundings with life-sized animated flamingos. As human populations increase and wetlands are developed, flamingos suffer from disturbance to their habitats, resulting in difficulty breeding and foraging. The larger the colony size, the greater their chance at breeding successfully. In FLARMINGOS, Lucas’s flamingos are animated by motion capture of the artist performing like a flamingo and a dynamic flocking algorithm that influences their collective behavior. In this unique tokenized edition Lucas removes a single flamingo from its flock, which both distills the artist’s performance into a crystallized moment and implies the flamingo’s reseeding in a new community.

Kristin Lucas intervenes in systems and paradigms to experiment with new ways of being in a technologized world. Her circuitous works resonate with humor and philosophical ponderings.

@ksltwo / kristinlucas.studio


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Collector Receives:
- MP4
- Archival Package
- Owners Rights and Obligations